Flash Love
Short Biography
Flavia Nantambi, 23 a.k.a FLASH LOVE is a Vocal RnB/Zouk Artist. She started her Music Career high school 2008. She also worked with a Ugandan Drama group "THE EBONIES" of Theater Labonita as an actress and Vocal Artist. She has recorded songs like Omupira, Kyesuubo, Omuwunda, Kanyimbe, "Am in Love" (released 3rd December 2016....Full biography below
Booking Information
Number : +256704614962
Email : deejrhymz@gmail.com
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Flavia Nantambi, 23 a.k.a FLASH LOVE is a Vocal RnB/Zouk Artist. She started her Music Career high school 2008. She also worked with a Ugandan Drama group "THE EBONIES" of Theater Labonita as an actress and Vocal Artist. She has recorded songs like Omupira, Kyesuubo, Omuwunda, Kanyimbe, "Am in Love" (released 3rd December 2016 from DMS records, Producer David). On 1st August, she released a new Single titled "Memmbe" written by Jamie Culture and Produced by Isma Pro.
Number : +256704614962
Email : deejrhymz@gmail.com
Ugsound TV